Welcome to my web page.  

I very much enjoy researching my family tree and helping others to learn how to find their family history
through online research and DNA.  I specifically enjoy the DNA part.  It is like a huge puzzle; bits of DNA here and there make up the family history. 
On these pages you will find my ancestry information, photographs, documents or other interesting pages that relate to my family.  So remember to click on the links which are underlined.

If you are related, or just passing through, please
email me, I'd love to hear from you. I hope this project is one that all the family can enjoy for many generations.

2020  marked the 110th anniversary of my paternal grandparents' wedding in Alameda Saskatchewan.  I've started a Facebook page called Alameda Town and Family History.  Anyone with family history in Alameda is welcome to join.  We now have 500 people on this group.

William Preston and Margaret Jane